Safety is paramount when boating, whether you are cruising the lakes or navigating oceans. To enjoy all it has to give, preparation is key. Equipping yourself with the correct safety gear and knowledge will help you reduce risk and create a memorable boating experience for all. This is a list that includes the essential safety gear every boater needs to have on board.


A VHF radio is a must-have onboard. It’s not a given that you will have cell service all the time, especially out on open water. A backup VHF radio can be even more useful than a single VHF. You should carry a handheld radio in addition to your fixed-mount unit, just in case.


The majority of boats and Personal Water Craft (PWCs), as well as most boats, have engine cut-off lanyards. When these lanyards are removed from the helm and pulled away, they immediately cut off the engine. This safety feature is not used by most boaters because it restricts their movement. Problem solved! FELL Marine ‘s MOB+ Wireless Man OverBoard system is a wireless alternative. The engine will shut off if the xFOB is underwater or more that 50 feet from the vessel.


EPIRBs are radio transmitters that can be mounted or stored on your boat. The beacons are activated automatically when they float free from a sunken boat or manually in an emergency.

To register your EPIRB (mandatory) or update your contact information visit: You should update your EPIRB information and registration immediately if you purchase a vessel that already has an EPIRB. Don’t forget to test your EPIRB in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.


Personal Locator Beacons are designed for individual use. In an emergency, they can provide coverage worldwide. PLBs are manually operated and require registration. The PLBs are easily portable and stay with you when you switch from one vessel to another. They can also be used on land.


The only way life jackets can save lives is if they’re worn. Children under 13 years of age are required by the U.S. Coast Guard to wear them. is the only requirement for anyone older than 13 years old. No matter what the requirements are, it’s best to always wear a well-fitting life vest. You’ll never know when you might need one. You can borrow a life jacket from a Sea Tow Foundation Life Jacket Lending Station if you are heading out to sea and don’t have enough or the right size for you and your passengers.


Signaling equipment is necessary to alert someone to a problem or get help. A mirror will suffice for non-powered boats in inland rivers and lakes. However, powerboats heading to coastal waters need flares, or E-Flare.


Anchoring should be a skill that every boater knows and can master. It should be strong enough to hold the boat you are using. The anchor should be rated according to the type of bottom that you will find in the area. Extra lines are useful for situations where you may need to double down on your tying or other unexpected scenarios.


If your boat is powered by an engine, you must carry a marine-rated fire extinguisher. For the safety of yourself, your passengers and your boat, make sure that you have enough and the correct type, as well as that they are in good working condition.


First aid kits are essential for boaters to have onboard. These supplies can be used to treat injuries such as cuts, bites and stings. Bandages, gauzes, alcohol wipes and antibiotic ointment are all essential supplies. Gloves and hand sanitizers should also be included. You can increase the quantity to be prepared for multiple injuries. Include items to help you survive in case you become stranded, such as water, snacks and sunscreen. Also, include something to keep warm, and multipurpose tools like a pocketknife.


In most states, boater education is required before you can operate any motorized boat. PWCs are included, as well as small fishing boats and pontoons. The courses are offered both in person and online to accommodate even the most hectic schedules. The boating safety course provides the basic knowledge to navigate the water, including the “rules” of the road. It also teaches what the boater should expect from the operator. Boating safety is important, and getting a boating license will even get you discounts on your insurance.

Always have a back-up plan. When the unexpected happens, it’s always said. No one plans to need help on the waters. Nova Argonautica assistance provides Peace of Mind On The Water.