Despite the annual flotilla of stunning cruise ships entering Australia each year, there is still an endearing quality associated with the older workhorses still in service today. While the exterior of the ship has seen many summers come and go, the inside may be as glam, spick and shiny as any of the new mega-ships pitching their case for your business. And it is this which keeps thousands of Aussies going back to their sentimental favourites year after year.
P&O Cruises’ Pacific Dawn is one of these ultra-reliable workhorses which may see its final summer in the years to come. Planned renovations in the pipeline for this ship also mean that there are no plans for this ship to sail off into the sunset anytime soon. But for now it continues to provide a memorable sea holiday experience to Aussies eager to see the Australian coast line, New Zealand and the islands of the South Pacific.
Each cruise caters to 1,546 passengers at double occupancy across 11 decks, with a maximum capacity of just over 2,000. Here we will take a look at the various surroundings in which these guests can lay their head down at the end of each day.
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